Friday, February 28, 2014

I Will Never Let Go!

“It’s easy to fall for you”, you said
Fall for me then,
for I will catch you and never let go!

Take an endless walk with me,
hand in hand;
your precious hand, I’ll never let go!

Let me bask in the beauty that is all you.
My gaze, forever fixed;
and I will never let go!

Your vision forever engrained, your scent I breathe 
You dwell in my dreams;
these dreams, I’ll never let go!

Fall for me as I have fallen for you;
for I will catch you,
and I will never let go!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

But I can't...

Thoughts of you, my angels, my demons
To be awaken from this dream
next to you, my only wish.

But I can’t…

So many flowers in this garden of life,
and yet, you the one I covet
Scored and scarred by your thorns,
your heart to harvest, my only aim.

But I can’t…

Too proud the words to utter,
too timid to endeavor;
“It’s YOU I love!”
wish I could scream.

But I can’t…