Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tears Never Shed!

Letters written,
Never read.

Tears cried,
Never shed!

Too far apart to embrace
Bitter truth, they shall face

Their love, never meant to be
She knew it not, and nor did he

Letters written, each a plea
Wishing his sorrow she would see

He beseeched and he implored
While every letter, she ignored

In her silence, years passed and perished
His fading recollection, all that he cherished

Letters written,
Never read.

Tears cried,
Never shed!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Quiet my mind, I cannot,
for I am restless;
haunted still, by my last image of you,
I am feeble, I am helpless.

I dreamed of you in my arms,
forever sheltered;
a dream that shattered so soon,
leaving me broken, baffled and bewildered.

A gift of life anew,
was our embrace;
but the bitter truth,
soon, I came to face.

Sweet tomorrow,
a dream fulfilled, I used to say;
the cruel tomorrow came,
and it took you away!

A thousand ways to kill a man,
it is no lie;
for there are so many ways
for me to die.

I was a fool,
little did I know;
soon, my end would come,
a death agonizing, and ever so slow.

Quiet my mind, I cannot,
for I am restless;
our love, my last breath of hope,
stolen from me mercilessly,
leaving me gasping and breathless!!!

(Photo by:  Ali Saadatmand)

Saturday, July 7, 2012


A life lived,
many years cherished,
many wasted.

The fruit of youth,
those delightful years,
savored and tasted.

Laughter and tears,
defeats and triumphs,
through them all,
I’ve been tried and tested.

My heart, 
inexorable and relentless,  
yet broken many times over,
when it was the least expected!

My face,
withered and scared;
and the burden of it all,
deep within these wrinkles,
It has nested.

Future fuddled and obscure,
I know not what may come;
standing tall, I will remain,
for I am far too invested!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Swallow's Flight!

Perching on a red roof tile, sat the bird swallow;
pondering her faith, deciding,
whether the flock or her defiant heart to follow.

In that hour of wind and light,
the brave swallow took her flight...

She soared in the vast sky,
unwavering and steadfast;
abandoning consensus,
and convention of generations past.

Aiming for the distant land,
far in the west;
dreaming only of warmth,
and of her new clay nest!

Days and nights, she spent in flight;
no one knows of her pain and plight.

Dashing in the skies with rapid wing,
only to a dream, her heart would cling.

Beneath the rain bearing clouds,
the light of moon, her path guides.

Of her fate, no one knows;
but my eagerness, 
it still grows.

She will arrive one day soon;
I’ll see her in the skies beneath the moon.

Arriving home, tired and weary,
now in the past, a life dreary.

On my roof the brave little swallow will land;
the cherished moment, her ultimate aim, finally at hand.

Once again,
Perching on a red roof tile,
The brave swallow will make me smile!!!