Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Faces I wear, far too many…
Their tally and disposition not known by any…
These gaudy masks, perhaps, a measure of protection….
Safeguards against judgments, inferences and rejection….

Free, we may seem to be; But our hands are often tied….
Drowned in diverge realities, forgetful of when we were truthful and when we lied….

In the mirror, at my own self I gaze…
In search of a way, out of this maze…
An image, mystified, bewildered and confound…
I find myself, drained, burdened and bound….
Marks and scars, I see in this reflection…
Footsteps of time, a common ill-fated affliction…

Self discovery, indeed a harsh trek…
Summing your life into an insignificant speck …
Vulnerable, exposed, naked and bare…
Concealment and perjury, you no longer dare….

Not easy to hide all these feelings inside…
Much consequence, too many rules to abide…
True meaning I seek through it all…
Nothing else matters, after all…!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Self Within

The voice within, calls…
His voice, echoing in the empty halls…

There is no hell or heaven…
Your sins, they all, will be forgiven…
Rules, break free from their binding chain…
Selfishly, your uninhibited freedom regain…
Far too short, is this life, indeed…
Claim it with passion, lust and greed…

In the dark, I sit down and think…
Bottle in hand, I drown and drink…
Starring into the distance, answers I seek…
Scenery before me, desolate and bleak…
What has come of my goodness?, I ask…
How long will I bear this tainted mask?…

Engaged in an eternal dual with the self within…
Tempted, eager, yet fearful of this sin...
Not the only one, in this struggle engaged…
Am I the sanest, or troubled and deranged?...

What future may bring, I cannot foretell…
Here and now, are my heaven and hell…!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Writer's Block

Lately, I find myself silent and tongue tied…
Unable to express any thoughts, no matter how hard I’ve tried…
From one thought to the next, my mind races still…
No longer can I let the words flow at will…

This too, will pass I’m sure…
But this unwelcomed guest I cannot ignore…

Screams I hear from the depths of my mind…
Distracted, battered and stifled, by the daily grind…
So many thoughts left unsaid and so much left to confess…
So many doubts and so many fears left to express….

Eyes fixed on the virgin paper, pen in hand…
Motionless and wilted, I daydream of a distant land…
Thousand images rush passed in a constant progression…
I, a paralyzed spectator, unable to break this regression…

Have I already said what had to be said?
Have I woven the web to the end of my thread?
Silently I in this corner I sit, listening to my heart weep and cry…
My muse, without you the tongue is tied and the ink is dry…