Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Do you know who I am?

When your eyes ferret me out through the howling throng
What do you see?
Whom do you see?

Do you know who I am?

When I return your gaze with a smile
What do you see?
Whom do you see?

Do you know who I am?

You read my written words…
You trace my brush stokes on the finished canvas…
My footprints on the encrusted road
Yet you haven’t walked my path

Do you know who I am?

What you see, just a glimpse
What you witness, a fleeting moment
Only a two-bit puzzle can be solved
When you have but two bits

Do you know who I am?

Answer me not in haste
Abandon all conventions engrained
Shed the fitting cloak of judgment
And only then, speak your heart

Do you know who I am?


  1. your words and thoughts have always moved me in uncertain ways. should provoke thought Kami....enjoy your creative journey...

  2. My good friend Stefan,

    Thank you for your kind and supportive words and for your continuous support and encouragement. It means a great deal to me.

