Now that you have had a taste of my writings and poems, I thought we should add more color and variety to the site and start posting my other work as well...
In this post you see four of my recent paintings...
I am often asked about the meaning of each painting; or more precisely, people ask me "what I was thinking about" when painting...
Obviously (for those who know me well), I never answer that question...
I simply believe that my thoughts, inspirations, feelings and motivations for bringing an image to life are not as important and as significant as the feelings, emotions and interpretations that they provoke within "you"-the observers; and I do not wish to influence or dilute them with my descriptions and interpretations!
However, I will say that before each painting is brought to life on canvas, the image of that painting is developed & occupies my thoughts... I see it as vividly in my mind's eye as one would see it once it is on canvas...
The image will remain there until it is brought to life... Once done, it will give way to the next creation...
As for these particular pieces, they are all a combination of oil and acrylic paints. They all have some element of mixed media that allows me to bring additional texture and dimension to each piece...
From the top down, they are:
This multimedia piece allowed me to simply bring focus to the lock that is at the center of the canvas.
No, it is not a real lock... I get asked that from almost every single person who sees the picture and not the painting...
Locks have a very special meaning to me...
In fact, I collect antique locks...
I am absolutely fascinated by them...
Whom they belonged to?
What did they protect?
What have they seen?
No Name (yet)
This piece combines a two dimensional picture with a three dimensional texture of a burlap dress... Raised, and at some points free of the confines of the canvas, the dress bridges our world with that of the woman in the painting...
No Name (yet)
This piece is my latest...
As a matter of fact, it is only a week old, and has not yet even dried...
Here, I added the element of "metal" to the painting...
Very fine sheets of metallic material are used in this painting... some have been somewhat preserved, and some have been completely smeared and embedded into the canvas itself...
I have made many different sketches and renditions of this image over the past couple of years... This is the only one that I have brought on canvas.
Hope you enjoy them...!
Your work is incredibly beautiful Kami! and, I love the way you describe your art: Getting inside the mind of those who view it...Your work is unique.. I can't just comment on one piece because I love them all. You are creative and isightful into bring meaning behind every piece that you do. Thank You