Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Faces I wear, far too many…
Their tally and disposition not known by any…
These gaudy masks, perhaps, a measure of protection….
Safeguards against judgments, inferences and rejection….

Free, we may seem to be; But our hands are often tied….
Drowned in diverge realities, forgetful of when we were truthful and when we lied….

In the mirror, at my own self I gaze…
In search of a way, out of this maze…
An image, mystified, bewildered and confound…
I find myself, drained, burdened and bound….
Marks and scars, I see in this reflection…
Footsteps of time, a common ill-fated affliction…

Self discovery, indeed a harsh trek…
Summing your life into an insignificant speck …
Vulnerable, exposed, naked and bare…
Concealment and perjury, you no longer dare….

Not easy to hide all these feelings inside…
Much consequence, too many rules to abide…
True meaning I seek through it all…
Nothing else matters, after all…!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Self Within

The voice within, calls…
His voice, echoing in the empty halls…

There is no hell or heaven…
Your sins, they all, will be forgiven…
Rules, break free from their binding chain…
Selfishly, your uninhibited freedom regain…
Far too short, is this life, indeed…
Claim it with passion, lust and greed…

In the dark, I sit down and think…
Bottle in hand, I drown and drink…
Starring into the distance, answers I seek…
Scenery before me, desolate and bleak…
What has come of my goodness?, I ask…
How long will I bear this tainted mask?…

Engaged in an eternal dual with the self within…
Tempted, eager, yet fearful of this sin...
Not the only one, in this struggle engaged…
Am I the sanest, or troubled and deranged?...

What future may bring, I cannot foretell…
Here and now, are my heaven and hell…!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Writer's Block

Lately, I find myself silent and tongue tied…
Unable to express any thoughts, no matter how hard I’ve tried…
From one thought to the next, my mind races still…
No longer can I let the words flow at will…

This too, will pass I’m sure…
But this unwelcomed guest I cannot ignore…

Screams I hear from the depths of my mind…
Distracted, battered and stifled, by the daily grind…
So many thoughts left unsaid and so much left to confess…
So many doubts and so many fears left to express….

Eyes fixed on the virgin paper, pen in hand…
Motionless and wilted, I daydream of a distant land…
Thousand images rush passed in a constant progression…
I, a paralyzed spectator, unable to break this regression…

Have I already said what had to be said?
Have I woven the web to the end of my thread?
Silently I in this corner I sit, listening to my heart weep and cry…
My muse, without you the tongue is tied and the ink is dry…

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Additional Pieces:

Here are two more pieces that I personally like very much...

Self Reliance:

I finished this piece literally an hour ago...
It took a lot of work...  But it is already one of my favorites...
I had this vision for a very long time...  But it used to come to me in bits and pieces...  Not until recently was I able to clearly visualize the entire piece...
Here, I have tried to use contrasts (in colors and textures) to bring out the multi-dimensional nature of who we really are....!  
I'll let you fill in the rest!!!...

No Name (yet):

Believe it or not, a pair of boots that I purchased a while back inspired me to do this piece!!!  
I know what you are thinking...  "... what the hell kind of boots does this guy wear?..."
Oh well, let the artist be a bit of an eccentric once in a while...
This piece, as you can clearly see uses the element of mixed media again...  the piece of burlap is completely torn in the bottom and smaller pieces are literally hanging by threads!!!!
This painting accompanies me in my office at work; and reminds me that there is more to life than just working!!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Recent Paintings


My friends,
You have all been very supportive of my work so far, and I truly appreciate all of your comments and encouragements on and off of this website.   

Now that you have had a taste of my writings and poems, I thought we should add more color and variety to the site and start posting my other work as well...

In this post you see four of my recent paintings...

I am often asked about the meaning of each painting; or more precisely, people ask me "what I was thinking about" when painting...

Obviously (for those who know me well), I never answer that question...
I simply believe that my thoughts, inspirations, feelings and motivations for bringing an image to life are not as important and as significant as the feelings, emotions and interpretations that they provoke within "you"-the observers; and I do not wish to influence or dilute them with my descriptions and interpretations!

However, I will say that before each painting is brought to life on canvas, the image of that painting is developed & occupies my thoughts...  I see it as vividly in my mind's eye as one would see it once it is on canvas...
The image will remain there until it is brought to life...  Once done, it will give way to the next creation...

As for these particular pieces, they are all a combination of oil and acrylic paints.  They all have some element of mixed media that allows me to bring additional texture and dimension to each piece...

From the top down, they are:

This multimedia piece allowed me to simply bring focus to the lock that is at the center of the canvas.
No, it is not a real lock...  I get asked that from almost every single person who sees the picture and not the painting...
Locks have a very special meaning to me...
In fact, I collect antique locks...
I am absolutely fascinated by them...
Whom they belonged to?
What did they protect?
What have they seen?

No Name (yet)
This piece combines a two dimensional picture with a three dimensional texture of a burlap dress...  Raised, and at some points free of the confines of the canvas, the dress bridges our world with that of the woman in the painting...

No Name (yet)
This piece is my latest...
As a matter of fact, it is only a week old, and has not yet even dried...
Here, I added the element of "metal" to the painting...
Very fine sheets of metallic material are used in this painting...  some have been somewhat preserved, and some have been completely smeared and embedded into the canvas itself...

I have made many different sketches and renditions of this image over the past couple of years...  This is the only one that I have brought on canvas.

Hope you enjoy them...!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Decision 2008, a rendezvous with destiny!

As I stood in the cardboard booth…

Manipulating the knobs and buttons of the electronic voting machine….

Casting my vote…

I could not have even begun to imagine…

The enormity of what was to come a few hours later…



More than ever before…

I am proud to call myself an American…

Not just because we as a nation…

Abandoned our prejudice heritage…

Not just because this time, we didn’t have to choose between two artificial flavors of the same old recipe…  (Two empty suits…  Void of vision… and filled with self interest…)

But because this time…

Our vote stood for something more…

Something much more profound…

And much more fundamental…



We voted for America…


We reclaimed our nation…


It will be a while…

Maybe a long while…

Before we truly understand and appreciate the enormity of “decision 2008”…

But what should be evident to every single one us…

As clear as day…

Is that we just witnessed the birth of a new era…

In which every citizen of this country HAS to think, act and feel as responsible as a public servant…

For the victory is not whom we elected…

The victory comes when we-as people-come together to restore our nation…

The victory comes when being a citizen does not mean relinquishing responsibility and tolerating incompetence…  (incompetence?  Not descriptive enough…  How about “outright rape” of a nation?)…

Rather the victory comes…

When we stand up for ourselves, for our families, friends, and neighbors…

When we don’t forget that the government is supposed to be there to "serve" and  to "protect us"… and not to dictate how we live or what we have to endure...

That our elected officials are not part of an “untouchable elite”, and rather, our “servants”, our “employees”…

When we refuse to be manipulated like powerless puppets through fear and under the guise of patriotism…

When we “stand up” for ourselves as we did today…


Our responsibility does not end tonight…

It can’t…

We cannot go back to another “4-year hibernation”…

We cannot sit idle when our hard-earned dollars are spent on ever-increasing gas prices under the disguise of demand and supply nonsense while every oil company reports astronomical earnings quarter after quarter…

We cannot sit idle when our tax dollars are spent on bailing out bad businesses and bad business decisions…

We cannot continue to pay CEOs of large corporations for failing… 

We cannot be tolerant or merciful when corporations cheat the public, steal from us, and poison our environment…  

We cannot allow others to take our focus away from what is really important by continuously bombarding us with propaganda and striking fear into our hearts…  We are supposed to be the poster-child of freedom on this planet, and yet, we choose to stay quiet because we are too afraid…  Just watch a morning or evening news and count the reasons why you should be afraid that day…  Afraid of a new disease because the pharmaceuticals want us to buy yet another useless placebo…    And when we decide to take that medicine, our TV tells us a million times day, of the side effects that we should be afraid of…  Afraid of an imaginary threat we know absolutely nothing about…   Because there is no opportunity for corporate America and Haliburtons of the world to make money if they let our government deal with the real threats…  Afraid to travel…  Afraid to lose our jobs…   Afraid that if we open our minds, read for a change, or god forbid, look outside our own little shallow world, we might find something even bigger to be afraid of… OUR OWN IGNORANCE!!!

We can no longer afford to close our eyes to what goes on in the world and to hide behind our short attention spans and attention deficit disorders…

We can no longer afford to wear the fluffy blind fold and focus our attention and concern to what Brad and Angelina are doing, what happens to Britney in the rehab, or whether Lindsey is gay, straight or both…

We can no longer allow Prozac and Viagra to be the solutions to all of our problems…

The responsibility…

Our responsibility…

Our “renewed” responsibility…

Begins tonight…

It may not be abundantly clear from what I have written tonight…

But I am actually very hopeful…

I am hopeful that what transpired tonight…

And what is ahead…

Will be a catalyst…

To awaken us from our slumber…

To renew our sense of responsibility as citizens…



Our future…

Is in our hands!!!


We have a rendezvous with our destiny...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Look Within

There are thoughts I do not dare…
With my closest kin, even share…
Some are dark, and some are bright…
Filled with hope, filled with fright….

Weary that I might be judged…
Too vain and too proud to be ascertained…

Others are but a mirror for you to see…
Who and what, you have become to be…
Too ugly at times, maybe…
My reflection, even too callous for me…

Too self absorbed as the next, truth to be told…
No more or less giving, but honest, brutal and bold…
Too proud and egotistical to follow…
The religious poison, I refuse to swallow…

In heaven or in hell will I reside?
Whose rules will I abide?
Whose is the hand that holds the string?
Fate of us all, who will bring?

Who should I be, which path should I take?
Will I sell out, my soul forsake?

My beliefs, for ages instilled…
In my brain, eternally ingrained…
How will we ever know?
What will we have for ourselves to show?
What is my purpose, what legacy will I leave behind?
Will the judgment be fair, evenhanded and kind?

Unanswered questions, far too many…
Source of truth, I know not of any…

Believe in one, If I must…
Only myself, I can trust…
Instinct, wisdom and compassion…
My guiding lights through this progression…
Adaptive, strong, and filled with love…
I aspire to be, all above…!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dare to live...

I often wonder…
What of me will remain…
I often wonder…
Will it be a loss or a gain…
Is there a purpose to living this life…
Or, will it all perish in vain…

Futile exercise it seems…
But I cannot refrain…

Some believe in heaven and hell…
And this belief, they faithfully maintain…
Blind faith, a chronic excuse…
Unwilling to question, unable to explain…
Following the path of least resistance…
Devoted, committed, yet insane…

Ironic, this game of life…
The answers hidden, they forever remain…
I know not the answer, nor mastery I claim…
A cynical seeker, filled with inquisitive thoughts I cannot contain…

I know what I know, and I know what I don’t…
Slave of contentment, I haven’t been, and I won’t...

Life is too short, a cliché, I know…
My passion for life, forever will grow…

The beauty, is the mystery of the unknown…
An intricate puzzle, so many pieces not shown…

With each passing moment, the hunger mounts...
It is not the destination, but the journey that counts…

Dare to live, to the very last…
Learn from your sacred past…
Embrace what comes, break the rigid cast…
Swim in the ocean of life, for it is vast…
Dare to live, to the very last…
For in a blink of any eye, your “future” is “past”…
Every minute, every second, a gift…
Make them last, make them last!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


The room is dark…
Void of light…
Senses heightened…
But no sight…
My eyes closed, my face a frown…
Random thoughts, left and right...

Glass of ale, almost empty…
Helping to lessen my fright…
Afraid of what has been…
And what might…
The war is not yet over…
So many battles left to fight…

The taste is bitter…
Jaws clench tight…
As the dark liquid burns…
Thoughts sore to a new height…

The mind’s eye opens…
In search of light…
Your image comes to mind…
Pure sense of delight…

A new sense of consciousness I gain…
As the warm ale passes through each vein…

As surroundings become more blur…
Ever so self aware I remain…
As I slowly shed the fear…
A peaceful calm I gain…

The present dissolves more with every sip…
Reality vanishes as I lose my grip...

Intoxicated by the thoughts of you, and not the ale…
These thoughts, like fresh air, I inhale…

The peace that overcomes me is beyond compare…
No longer do I feel the sadness, or the despair...

In flesh, in my thoughts, or in my dreams…
You are the only answer it seems…

The past, present, or the future matter none…
As I forsake all others but one…!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Arched Bridge

I saw this picture yesterday...
And for some reason...  Couldn't stop looking at it... or think about it since...
As I looked at this picture....
Another image came to me...
Here is what I saw:

It is 1:30 am….
He has been walking aimlessly all night….
He is still walking….
The busy streets….
Packed with people….
On this Saturday night (or more accurately Sunday morning)…
Young and old….
Of all shapes..
And of all colors….
The lights….
Are all nothing but a blur….
The sounds….
Are a collective…
Almost a muted hum….

What he sees…..
Are still images and figures….
As though…
He has been transported into a painting…..
He is the only thing….
And the only one…
Who is real in this colorful landscape…..

What he hears….
Is the sound of his own breathing….
The beating of his own heart…..
And the rhythm of his steps….
On the crowded sidewalk…..

He is not intoxicated….
Or inebriated….

He is not lost….
He is searching….
And outward….

He searches the past….
He searches the present….
For he knows….
That what he finds…
Will shape the future….

Rush passed his mind’s eye….
Images that don’t belong to his present surroundings….
Or if they do….
They are super-imposed….
And intermingled….
With images of what has already transpired….
And have been forever engrained….
In the deepest parts of his soul….

These images…
Make up his world now!…

These images…
As persistent…
And as continuous…
As the sound of his steps…
On the cobblestoned pavement beneath his feet…
Are his realm…
Where he needs to be…
Where he HAS to be…

As he turns the corner…
The blurred hum vanishes…
Almost instantly…
He knows that he has left the crowded neighborhood…

He walks…
As he has been for hours now…
Hoping that the night…
Will lead him to his destination…
Or whatever…
That may be…

He walks…
He walks through the streets…
The occasional reflection of a faint street light…
The darkened and the cold buildings…
Toppled garbage bins…
Empty boxes…
Left out by store proprietors…
Who closed for the day hours ago…
Remind him…
Of the parts of his past…
That have been left abandoned…
And condemned…
For years now!…

He walks…
As he has been for hours now…
He walks…
Through the alleys of his own soul…

The salty air…
Tingles his nostrils…
He knows…
That he is nearing the waterfront…
A dense fog…
Blows through the street…
And thickens quickly…
With every steps that he takes…
Like a warm blanket…
Covering the landscape…
As mother nature…
Tucks her children in for the night…

In a distant…
Not so far from him…
The ocean…
Gently brushes the shore…
And he can hear the faint sound of the gentle waves…

He crosses the fog covered street…
Only able to see a few steps ahead…
Walks down the stairs…
That connect the street to the walkway below…
And lead the way to the waterfront…

He holds on to the railing…
And feels the cold, damp metal railing…
Almost stinging his skin…
Wipes the droplets of water which are now collected on his fingertips on his jeans…
As he steps down the last step….

He hears the waves clearly now…
And yet…
Testaments to the awesome power of the dark ocean…
A sleeping giant…
That can devour everything in site…
If awaken from its solemn slumber…

He walks…
As he has been for hours…
The half-moon’s reflection on the wavy water…
Guiding his path…

He feels the gentle breeze…
Guiding and propelling the dense fog…
Against the side of his face…

He is reminded…
Reminded of HER…
Her image…
As gentle and kind…
As loving and breathtaking…
As always…
Looking at him…
Her eyes sparkling…
With the love, passion and devotion…
That drove them together…
And bonded them forever...

He walks…
As he has been for hours now…
His mind racing…
His senses heightened…
He brings her image to life…
And as he reaches out to hold her hand in his…
He is reminded of the first time they held hands…
With all of his senses…
Recalls how it felt when his fingertips first touched her hand…
Her softness…
Her texture…
How he felt her life force rush into his veins as their hands held each other for the first time…
Like a strong, warm, and an instantly intoxicating ale…
How this simple touch…
Thought him more about her than any conversation they ever had!…

He walks…
As he has been for hours…
And for a short while…
She walks by his side…
Hand in hand…
Yet speaking volumes…
He feels calm…
And at piece...
With himself…
And the world around him…
He feels complete….!!!!

He follows the pathway towards a canal…
Sound of few drunken adolescent males walking in a group…
Exhausting the last remnants of their testosterone/alcohol fuel for the night…
Distract him for a moment…
An incredible anger rages within him…
How dare they disturb his walk with his beloved?...
Blood rushes through his veins…
His heart begins to pound…
Feeling as though it would burst through his chest at any moment…

He hears her whispering his name…
Redirecting his attention affectionately…
And he sees her image again…
He is reminded of how much he had longed to see this look…
Half angelic…
Half filled with childlike mischief…

He walks…
As he has been for hours…
In a state beyond the natural realm…
And somewhere between…
What is…
What once was…
With her by his side…
They walk together…
Side by side…
As they were meant to be….

The fog is now almost gone…
They reach the arched stone bridge…
One of their favorite spots…
He looks on…
The arched bridge…
And its reflection under the moonlit sky…
Forming a perfect circle…
An illusion…
Not unlike…
What he was experiencing now!…

The illusive image…
This “half-real half-illusion circle…
Looked like a magical gateway…
Leading to a world…
A world that was theirs and theirs alone…
A gateway…
To the world of “what could be”…
A world that they could build together…

He stood there…
With her by his side…
For what seemed to only last a short while…
Where in fact…
Hours had now passed…
The sun…
Had begun to rise gently…
He turned his gaze away from the gateway…
Looking for her…
Looking for his beloved…
She was gone…

The sorrow that he felt…
And the emptiness that came over him…
Is more than any man can bear…
He screamed…
As a single tear…
Glistened the side of his face…


He walks….
As he has been for hours…
For his beloved!!!

Life In Reverse



Before you read this post… I want to caution you that I have made references to certain human behavior that I have criticized; and what occurs to us in the natural process of aging that I have described in a rather blunt manner.

Although I do not apologize for what I have written, I want you – the reader  - to know that:

(a) I am just as vain and shallow as the next person (if not more)…  So I am not singling anyone one out; and I am certainly not worthy to judge anyone…

(b) my references to what happens to us (men and women) during the aging process is not to demean those of us who are passed the age of 40…



If you wish…

Shed your delicate nature…

And read on…




Do any of you remember the TV sitcom “Mork and Mindy”?

It was on during the mid to late 80s….  I guess….

The premise of the show was that an alien (Mork – played by Robin Williams) comes to earth and befriends this woman (Mindy)….


Robin does what he does best….

And plays the character of Mork with all the goofiness he can muster….


The excuse is that since Mork is from another planet, his reactions to his new surroundings can be goofy and childish (even though he looks like a grown man)…..


The show was not brilliant or Emmy worthy by any stretch of the imagination….

It simply was ANOTHER 30-minute escape from reality for the over-worked, stressed, short-attention-spanned, thirty something year old, average yuppie who did not have the time nor the interest to do anything requiring or involving his/her brain whatsoever….


Interestingly enough though, the show did two things quite brilliantly…


The first thing happened when they chose Robin for the role….

They picked a hairy, stocky man…..

Who by nature…..

Thought, expressed himself, and acted…..

As a 6 or 7 year old child…..

Free of rules and boundaries made up by complex factors such as religion, economics, racial interaction,  and political and social agendas….  

This alone was half of the appeal of the show….


The second occurred somewhere passed the half-life of the show….

When they introduced a child from Mork’s planet…..

This child was actually a 60-70 year old man….!!!


You see….

In Mork’s planet….

Wherever it was supposed to be…..

People were born old….

And  with the passing of every day….

They grew older mentally…..

While physically….

They became younger and younger…..


What a fantastic notion……!!!

Although silly at first….

This notion….

Makes perfect sense…..

(AT LEAST TO ME)….!!!!!


Bear with me….


Let’s examine this a little closer….


We are born ….



Half baked and half developed….. 

(Let’s face it…. Babies may be cute (definitely not all of them….); but they have heads that are too big for their bodies….  They can’t even stand up or hold their wobbly heads straight….. )

Venerable to every element within our environment…..

With no sense of self-awareness…


Once we get passed the first incubation years…. During which we get “backed”….

We are filled with energy that comes out of nowhere… 

(have you ever seen a kid eat?  They don’t….  You have to constantly beg them to eat just ONE MORE BITE for mommy OK?…  and yet…. They have enough energy to single-handedly wipe out both of their parents, the nanny (if there is one), the neighbors, and the entire local chapter of the National Guard in one evening alone between 6 pm and 8 pm!!!!)…


Where was I….?

Oh ya…

Full of energy….

With tight, glowing skin that screams YOUTH….

A body that is as flexible as rubber…

An insatiable curiosity….

And a pure, untainted, unbiased, amazingly open and limitless imagination…

When asked how old they are…

They always try to sound older….   I’m 6 and 3/4s!.....


When we reach teenage years….

For most humans….

Everything goes out of balance….

Better said: out of whack…


Oily skin…

Body grows in an odd fashion making us look like something between a child and a freshly plucked ostrich…

Messed up emotions and thoughts…

Affected by an unbelievable mess of hormones…

And yet….

Still trying to be thought of as older as we really are…

Acting in stupid ways to TRY and look like grownups….

Some smoke….

Some drink….

Some pierce their bodies like pin cushions….

We declare a rebellion against the adults in our lives…

And rely more and more on the social acceptance of the peer group….

And emotionally abandon our families…  Especially the parents…  The “authority figures”…



This is when we are at our physical prime…

Our bodies are at peak performance…

Our sexual drives are so strong that could equal the collective sexual potential of a large crew at all-day porn shoot…

And yet…

We don’t have the means to do the things we CAN and WANT to do…

Highest sexual drive….

Yet, prohibited from free sexual activity (at least in most societies)…

Our physical fitness is at a level that we can do or endure almost anything…


we are at that age…


We want to go FAST…

We don’t own (and can’t afford) a decent FAST car…

We can stay up and party for days…

But we don’t have a house or money…

We can eat anything…

But all we want at that time is to fill up the stomach….

Not to tease the senses and enrich the pallet…

We are ready to be adventurous and do things that take our endurance and physical form to its limits…. 

But other than screwing 4 wheels to a piece of plywood and sliding down everything in sight….

We do not have the means to explore the environment and to experience the things that years and years later we so regretfully jot down in our “things I would love to do before I die” list!!!!!


When we get to our twenties….

We enter the “snap out of it and grow up” phase!!!!

Party is beginning to dwindle down…

And the smarter ones realize that they have to get their s@#t together….

And plan for the future…

To spend our prime wasting precious time and to slave so that when we are once again frail and fragile….


We have the means to BE TAKEN CARE OF…


When we reach our thirties…

We begin the “self examination” process…

Who am I supposed to be?

Who am I really?

What are my beliefs?

What constitutes my value system?


Still slaving and climbing the social ladder (or at least trying to)….

With all of these philosophical and fundamental questions ringing in our heads like loud drums over and over and over again…

Still torn between letting go of the good old carefree days and growing up and assuming “responsibility”….

Taking on the wanted or unwanted responsibility of raising children!!!!!!!!!!

(At least for most of us…)


I have no idea who the hell I am yet…

How can I possibly know what to do with this little impressionable thing that thinks of me as her/his super hero?

Pressures are too high…

If you are not married…

People want to know what’s wrong with you!

If you are married and have kids…. 


We covered that already…


Constantly being judged and labeled…

By yourself…

and by others…

What is your occupation?

How far up the ladder are you?

How much money do you make?

How big is your house?


And then…




The forties come…

You’ve either made it by now…

Or you are in deep doo doo….


Body begins to crumble…

If you go to play basketball with a bunch of twenty-somethings…

You can hold your own on the court…

But your body will ache for a week after you get home….!


The cabinet in your bathroom is beginning to get filed up with pharmaceuticals…

You take anti depressants so that you won’t suddenly snap under the pressure and choke someone with your bare hands…. Or hang yourself off of some ceiling fan with the Gucci belt you got for Christmas from your wife….


You take sexual enhancement pills…

(Thank god that both men and women have them now….)

Because your anti-depressants took your sex drive away…

So now…

You are even more depressed…


Your manhood doesn’t rise to the occasion anymore…

Either because of the pills….

Or the fact that you and your significant other are totally bored of each other now….

So you go to the doctor….

And he gives you more anti depressants…

Which make you feel numb to it ALL…


If you are a woman…

You begin to be less and less pleased with your body…

Which is – once again – going through changes…

Whether you have given birth or not…

Gravity is taking its toll on you….

Things are not as firm as they used to be…

When you lie down on your back….

You have to adjust your boobs…  Which by now…. Each going a different direction if left unmanaged…

You hate the wrinkles….

So you pay top dollar to have poison injected in your face…


To take fat out of your ass…

And inject it into your lips….

Thinking you just bought yourself Angelina lips….

When in fact….

You look more like Donald Duck…..!

You miss the flat stomach…

And the bulletproof butt you used to have…

You look in the mirror…

And what you see…

Looks more like your mom than YOU…


If you’re a man…

You are constantly wondering why you have less and less hair on your head….

And increasingly more and more on the parts of your body that aren’t even supposed to have hair (unless you are a silverback and live in Africa or a zoo somewhere)…

Speaking of hair…

Why is it that when men color their hair they look so ridiculous; but when women do it, it looks so good (well… at least most of the time…)?

And what on earth do the people who wear a road-kill on their heads – or even worse – those guys who get plugs and walk around looking like an old doll with all the wholes in their head showing – thinking?...

Do they actually think they look good and sexy?

You look into the mirror…

And only see faint glimpses of the dashing, handsome, hunk of man you once were…


And you wonder…

And worry…

About why you see less and less of your pecker every time you look down…

Is it the gut that is getting in the way as you pack more Krispy Kreme in it?...

Or is it actually your wonder-rod that is shriveling?...



You can’t eat anything you want….

Now that you have the brains and the money to enjoy exotic foods and tastes…

Because you are watching your weight….

Your collateral…

Your salt intake…

All you are eating more and more of….

Is medicine….

With the exception of a small percentage of the very lucky…

The rest…

Can’t take REAL vacations…

And take on the adventures and the journeys they dreamed of before (and will dream of for the rest of their lives)….

Because of jobs….

Or the kids…


(I don’t consider chasing crying and nagging kids around Disney Land and buying over-priced T-shirts at an amusement park t a vacation….

Popcorn and cotton candy are not exotic foods….

And just because they have fireworks at nigh and you can take your picture with a carton character, you can’t call yourself a well-traveled person even if you have been to every damn fun-fair and “blah blah Land/World” there is….)



That is why they call it “mid life crisis”….

If all of this is not a crisis…

I don’t know what is…

Remember how we wanted to “appear” older when we were young?...

During this particular crisis, we will do anything possible to “appear” younger than we really are!!!

Aside from those who go absolutely nuts…

Grow a pony tail even though they have lost all the hair on the top and the front….

Buy a Harley…

Get a tattoo of a “burning skull wearing an eye-patch and a bandana” to look cool and carefree…. 

(I am just itching to get one myself by the way – NOT the burning skull on fire wearing an eye-patch and a bandana though…. Maybe a little devil!!!!)…



what a joke…..

Get fake boobs bigger than their own heads…..

(don’t get me wrong…  I have nothing against plastic surgery or any type of enhancement…  But I do think a lot of us take things beyond what would be NATURALY acceptable and proportional to FREAKISH dimensions)….

Go to the gym to reverse the inevitable…..

The rest….

The majority…..

Stop fighting…..

They resign to the fact that they are no longer young…..

And the body that knew no limits only a few years ago….

Is beginning to be the prison cell in which their minds are sentenced to spend the rest of their days……


Giving up on the outer-self….

We focus on the inner-self…..

Why am I in this rat race?

How can I give more meaning to my life?.....



I’m still in my early forties…..

So I don’t have first hand experience with what happens next….

But, we’ve all seen it…..

The physical decline has gained more momentum……

You are slowing down…..

And wishing that life and time would slow down too…..

To give you more time….

To do all the things you didn’t get to do…..


Perhaps to undo some of the things you should not have done…..!!!!!

Not focusing on the inevitable future….

We find more pleasure….

In reliving and rehashing the few fund memories of the past……

Why do you think we go senile….?

Or get Alzheimer’s?

Get in a room….

Close the blinds…..

Shut off all outside contacts…..

Turn on a TV and watch the same re-run over and over again……

What do you think will happen to your brain?!!!!!




At the end of this life journey……

We go full circle……


Once again….




Half backed…. (or should I say, overcooked)!!!! LOL

Our bodies and our minds fail us….

And we perish…..



So you ask…..

“what does all of this have to do with Mork and Mindy?”…..

Remember I told you that on Mork’s planet, babies are born with old bodies and immature minds?…..

And as they grow older, their bodies get younger and their minds mature?


Now you know where I am going with this…..



You would come to this world with an aged and tired body…..

And the mind of an infant….. 

Your physical activity needs at this stage are very limited…..

All you have to do really….

Is to eat, s#$t and sleep…..

And an old body is just the right outfit for that….

Perfectly suited……


With the passing of every day…..

You have more energy…..

You are more able….

You are more vibrant……

You spend your old years playing with other old people….


Like little kids….

Go to kindergarten…..

To school……

By the time your mind gets to the teenage years…..

Your body is still too old to have sexual desires……

So you can focus on your studies and later on your career….

On making MONEY……

When you get to your thirties (remember, we are going in reverse)…..

You have accumulated your means….

You now have the means to do the things you want (all the things I described)…..

To eat what you want….. (You are done taking pills now)….

You get stronger and stronger and younger every day…..

By the time you retire….

You are in the peek of your physical and mental development…..

Now ….

Sky is the limit……

You enjoy life….

Because YOU CAN……

And because you are mature enough to understand what really matters!!!

(We always say… “If I only knew then what I know now”…  Well… in the reversal theory, that is exactly the case)…


Later on…..

When you get near the end…..

You have become fragile once again…..

This time as an infant…..

Instead of a decaying reject of nature……

Your mind has turned blank again…..

You have no sense of self-awareness….

You are fragile….

And you pass away……



When you think of it…..

Under both scenarios……

We start fragile and unaware……

And we end…..

Fragile and unaware……




It is the MIDDLE that counts……

It is not….

The beginning of the journey…..

Nor the destination……

That matters……

What is important…..

What really matters…..



So start…..

Start today…..

Start NOW…

This very moment…..


For as long as you can…..




Thursday, September 25, 2008

Observing the observer

by nature....
I am not a soldiery creature.....

this is no confession.....
as everyone who knows me.... 
even a little.....
has already come to this realization......

this need....
to be surrounded by others.....
or at least one other.....
(with the exception of when I write, paint, or in some way engaged in a creative process)
is perhaps....
a sign of a character flaw on my part.....
(not that I have  a lot of flaws- or at least, I am about to confess to many more)...  LOL
i do have a need to reach self realization through others.....
i constantly need the reaffirmation of others.....
it could just be that I am a social creature......  
(which is amazing in itself..... as I was such an introvert as a child)!

Any how....
the idea of sitting at home alone....
or wasting the day on a couch watching TV.....
or the worse one of them all - playing lazy and sleeping through the day.....
is not my cup of tea.....

I decided to go "people watching"......

it took me a while to pick and decide...... 
I wanted to go....
I needed to be....

took a shower.....
dressed up......
not to be conspicuous.....
not to just mesh or blend in.....
(I no longer want to go unnoticed....  unlike my childhood - when all I wanted was to disappear in the crowd - if I was in unfamiliar settings.  Don't get me wrong....  I was an attention hog even when I was a child.... but only from those whom I knew.  I wasn't good at unfamiliar social settings at all).....
as usual.....
I did my best.....
to dress.....
so that I would be noticed......

I wanted "people" to know that I was there......
watching them....
reading them.....
judging them.....
I wanted to be "right in their faces".....
and I wanted to see their reactions....
wanted them to also judge me.....

after all....
a "social interaction".....
needs to be a two-way one....

I drove to a local popular hangout......
filled with bars, restaurants, and shops.....
a perfect place.....
for teenagers to hang out......
for singles to hunt for Mr. or Miss "right".... or Mr. or Miss "right now"!
for people to go out on dates.....
for friends to meet and spend time together.....
and for bored couples to feel good about themselves by "spending time" together in a place where they actually "don't" have to do or say anything "together".....
and can just walk around.... 
and window shop.....
or "people watch"......
thus avoiding the same old conversations and repeated stories......
or even.....
to avoid talking at all.... 
for the fear of getting into an argument......  
like they always do....
when they talk about anything other than what should go on the grocery list.....
or what happened at the dry cleaners that day.....


Drove into the large parking structure......
the sign showed in big green letters.....
how many parking spaces were available on each of the 3 floors......
112 spaces available on the first floor.....
2nd and 3rd floors showed "FULL"....
I thought to myself.....
shouldn't the parking lot fill up from bottom to top?
it is only 8 pm....
did the 112 people just got up and left because they were here all day?

as always.....
I ignored what the sign was trying to tell me....
and went straight to the second floor.....
sounds stupid... ha?
why go to a floor that u know is "full"?....
guess what?
as soon as i wnet up the ramp and got to the second floor.....
all the while peeking through all the cars that were driving around space hunting up there.....
I saw a car getting ready to pull out of a "perfect" corner spot.....  where u don't have to worry about door dings.....
turned on my signal light....
to proudly announce.....
to all other potential space seekers....
that this spot was now "mine".....


I pulled in....
parked the car....
pushed the button to put the convertible top back up....
and as the top just clicked into motion.....
two middled aged ladies....
who were obviously going home from an "all girl" happy hour.....
passed by....
looking at me....
and signaling each other....
when they got close.....
now staring directly at me.....
and smiling as seductively as they possibly could in their half drunken state.....
one of them said something.....
which was meant to be some sort of a come-on or a pickup line.....
I didn't catch all of it.....
but I smiled back at them....
as the top closed and windows came up.....
and they giggled like teenage girls.....

Got out of the car....
took the stairs....
and walked towards the complex.....

The place was packed....
as usual...

I walked by a few shops....
passed one of my favorite restaurants.....
and had to slow down....
as I hit a large crowd of people waiting in front of a comedy club.....
waiting to get in.....
among them....
was this young lady in her twenties....
very ordinary....
standing in line with her also very ordinary girl friend....
I noticed her because she was trying to light up a fat cigar with a matchstick.....
I walked towards them....
at the same time reaching into my pocket for my lighter.....
"u can be here all night trying to light that torpedo with matches" i said.....
she looked up...
looked annoyed....
"what?" she said....
I repeated myself and flicked my lighter.....
she leaned over and took a big puff....
the fat cigar lit up perfectly.....
before she had a chance to lift her head up to say anything, I was gone.....

I had a dilemma....
I needed my Starbucks coffee....
and I needed a perfect place to sit at and watch people at....

in this complex....
Starbucks is located on the second floor of a book store....
and the coffee shop that does have a place to sit, and is also located at the center of the complex - a perfect place for my purpose - serves  the worst coffee ever.....

as you have guessed already.....
I went and got my Starbucks coffee and walked over to the shop with the crappy coffee.....

"today is my day"....  I thought to myself....
as I saw the perfect empty table in front of the shop in a nice corner....
it even had an ashtray on it....
what else can a man ask for, ha?
this was indeed unusual.... as this place is always packed.....

so this marked the second lucky event of the evening....
first... finding the perfect parking spot....
and now this!

what else is gonna go my way tonight?
will Elizabeth Hurly (my current favorite) pass by... notice me.... and plant a big wet one on me?
Ya... sure....

I sat down....
took a sip of the coffee....
and lit up a cig....

"people watching" process commencing......


As I "people watch"....
I don't hide it....
I look at them straight in the eye.....
I want to see them....
really SEE them....

It is absolutely amazing to me.....
how some people wear their life stories on their faces.....
that is... if you look closely enough.....

am I this way also?
can others look into my eyes and see right through them?  
I thought to myself......

People passed by....
mostly couples....
some in groups....
It felt as though I was the only one there who wasn't with someone.....
young ones....
old ones....
pretty ones...
ugly ones....
short ones....
tall ones....
fats and fits....
they were all there....
for my viewing and studying pleasure.....

as they passed.....
it felt like they had all been waiting in the back somewhere.....
for me to arrive at my spot....
and once I did....
some ushers unleashed the crowd....
to begin their march....
for my amusement.....

returned my gaze....
and some....
walked by without even noticing me....
out of all the people who did notice me...
or at least acknowledged that they did.....
were men.....

Why is that?

I can only guess.....
First of all....
god has given most women the ability to look at things through their periphery vision! 
They can walk right passed you and know what color underwear you had on without even disengaging their eyes for a second.....
so they are not as obvious as men....

Men have two more reasons to be conscious of other men.....
The first is that men are always checking to see who is looking at the woman they are with...... 
on the watch.... to protect what they think is theirs.....
Second, and most importantly.....
Because most men are competitive and territorial in nature....
they always check other men in their surroundings to determine how they measure and stack up.....
kind of the same way women look each other up and down to see who is wearing what.... what matches and what does not.... and what flaws the other person has....


the "bored couples" i mentioned earlier?
Usually married ones!!!
this place was packed with them....
when you think about it....
it is rather depressing.....
to see how the whole relationship process evolves......

Let me explain.....
Out of the people who passed by....
the easiest ones to stop are those who just started dating.....
they are usually better dressed than the married ones.....
and they have this "fakeness" about them....
they are not at ease with themselves.....
still in the "i need to impress by not showing who I really am" stage.....
still in the "i need to appear that I am paying attention to you" phase....

true for most people - disagree with me if you wish - but I know I am right.... and you know it too.....
Once most people get passed this stage....
especially true with the passage of some time...
let say 2 or 3 years.....
they are done getting to know one another.....
either because they are disappointed with what they thought and what they actually found.....
or because they simply gave up on the process.... 

before you tell me that I am being cynical, I will admit that this is not true about everybody..... but as long as I am concerned..... it applies to the majority out there.....


So a few hours go by....
I am down to my second cup of coffee (had to get the second one from the crappy place because I didn't want to lose my spot); and the ashtray is filling up.....
a thousand people have passed by....
partial conversations.....
facial expressions.....
I am inhaling them all.....

reading "my version" of their life stories.....


Outside of where I am sitting....
in the middle of the walkway....
a park-style metal bench divides the path....
a group of teenagers (boys and girls) begins to gather around the bench.....
skinny, pimply boys....
wearing pants that are tighter than socks.....
with silly looking hair that looks like they just got out of 2-week long sleep....
and no asses whatsoever to fill those tight pants.....
and girls that no longer look like girls but are not yet considered women either.....
and yet somehow looking a few years older than the ass-less boys (although they are all the same age).....
They are one by one gathering at this bench.....
like birds do on telephone wires right before sundown on autumn nights.....

At first....
other than being noisy and loud....
and being completely ridiculous looking.....
they offered nothing much to me and my purpose there....
so I ignored them....

but soon after the size of the group had reached 14.....
I noticed something that I could not ignore.....
without exception....
or any exaggeration.....
every single one of them......
boy or girl.....
sitting or standing.....
had a cell phone in their hand....
and was busy texting someone.....!!!
they only time that these people would interact with each other....
was when one had something interesting on the screen of his/her phone to show another.....!!!!
What is the purpose of gathering in a group....
and engaging in an activity which is totally solitary?.... I thought to myself.....
what on earth could they be texting?......
and to whom?.....

"guess where I am?".....
"guess who is here and who just showed up?".....
"where are you"?.....
"are u coming"?....
"come on.... don't be such a fag.... get off your ass and come here....  we are having a blast"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and it suddenly dawned on me......
The irony of it caught me by surprise....
and hit me like a ton of bricks.....

between the clueless teenagers.....
the bored couples who came out so that they didn't have to look at each other's faces all night....
the men and women on the prowl.....
and those looking to score and hoping that they had made a good enough impression and thus having earned the right to get laid that night....
those who came out to enjoy the company of friends.....
and let's not be cynical here.....
those couples who had come out to share an evening together....
to build memories together......

The only one who was.....
in need of companionship.....
and void of it....
in need of human interaction....
and yet solitary.....
and the most ridiculous of them all...

was the observer.....

It was I.

Empty Nest

Don't judge....
Don't laugh.....
you can laugh if u want to.....

I always write serious stuff....
and you have never seen me write like this....
but bear with me....
hopefully it will be worth ur while.....

I am going to paint u a picture.....
and I want u to open ur mind's eye....
and try to see every detail I am about to describe.....

Each year....
some time....
between spring....
and summer.....

of all kinds.....
build nests all around my house......

humming birds....
build the tiniest and tidiest of them all.....
tiny little nests....
made with the finest of branches....
and lined with small feathers....
or cat hairs, rabit, or dog haris piled up in bunches.....
and stuck between bushes...
or caught in spider webs.....

big enough to hold two tiny little eggs the size of pearls....

I have one....
that is three years old....
and keeps getting re-used....
by different humming birds....
each year....
some times....
twice in one season.....

Somewhat like a small apartment for a young newly-wed couple.....
or better yet....
a timeshare for pregnant young humming bird moms....

the little light brown colored ones.....
make their nests among the branches of trees.....
using palm tree leaves as giant umbrellas....
that would pretect their young from the sizzling sun....
or drenching rain....

use overhangs.....
crevasses in the masonry....
All around the house.....

u have seen bird nests i'm sure....
u might have even pick one off the ground.....
after it was abandoned by the inhabitants.....

u've even took the time....
to examine one,....
and perhaps....
like me....
you have appreciated in pure amazement......
the intricate attention to detail.....
the patience.....
and the dedication it must have taken....
for a small animal....
without hands and fingers....
to build such a thing....
purely out of instincts .....
and without....
any architectural....
or technical....
or comprehension.....


About a month ago....
a couple of sparrows.....
among all the other birds.....
that choose my home as their desired suburban  neighborhood.....
away from a hustle and bustle of the big city life....!!!
built a nest.....
in my backyard.....

they built this dream home of theirs.....
under a roof overhang.....
where two walls come together in an inverted 90 degree angle....
right on top of gutter drain pipe....
exactly where it bends like the back of a knee....
where the gutter....
follows underneath the roof overhang....
and continues down the wall.....
to the ground.....

Can u picture it....?

all other birds....
and all other nests....
that I have been lucky to observe....
in a lifespan of 43 years.....
this particular nest....
is by far....
and without any exaggeration......
(u really can't make this up)....
is the sloppiest.....
most disorganized....
and most misshapen....
nest you can imagine.....

I swear....

the branches are thick....
and long......
even have small leaves hanging on them still.....
this nest....
has no particular geometric shape.....
and ....
parts and pieces....
stick out...
and hang down....
from all sides.....

The best thing to compare this nest to....
would be for you to imagine....
an old and dirty shack.....
put together....
by rusty sheets of tin..... or light metal.....
rotten and broken wooden boards....
half broken windows....
missing front steps....
broken and crooked windows....
and a door....
hanging off of one hinge...
barely hanging on to its frame....

an old dirty and rusty truck with dents and faded colors.....
parked in the dirt next to the house....
no tires....
resting on cinderblocks....

a "thing",....
that some day used to be a red couch....
sitting on the over grown, patchy, and yellowing lawn.....
worn out....
with springs and stuffing sticking out in many places.....
right next to it....
on the ground....
there is cheap....
half dented....
one eyed....
half balled.....
plastic doll....
that a small child must have dragged behind on the ground all day,,,,,

Between the only remaining front porch beam......
and where the truck's driver's side mirror used to be.....
there is a dirty old rope.....
serving as a drying line....

on it.....
two boxer shorts.....
with holes in them....

and right underneath all this....
a metal trough....
used for washing clothes....
half filled with muddy water.....

get the picture?.....

this nest ....
looks more like these branches and leaves.....
accumulated there by wind or a storm....

a testament.....
of my sloppy house keeping....
for not keeping nooks and crannies of my house clean and free of debris.....
anything that was built....
to server a purpose of any kind....

I let it remain.....
by the time I noticed this architectural disaster.....
there were two tiny eggs in it already.....
Those poor chicks....
what shame they must have endured.....


this afternoon.....
i was in the backyard.....
enjoying a fresh cup of coffee....
smoking a cig....
thanking god that the week was over....
and day dreaming.....

I started starring at this nest.....
now empty of life....
as esthetically unpleasing to the eye as ever.....

My mind started wondering....
as I so love to let it do so....
from time to time....
to take a break from what occupies it all the time....
to let it roam and play....
like a child....
on a summer day.....
in an open field.....

Here are the thoughts that came to me....
here are...
the images that I saw,,,,,

"boy...  this is a disaster of a nest....."
"why is this the only bird nest that I have seen look so beat up.... from day one?".....

"Was this an unexpected and unwanted pregnancy?"
"where these a very young sparrow couple who had babies out of wedlock... and couldn't afford decent housing?".....
"was this nest built by the laziest, and stupidest male sparrow for his bride?"....
"if so...."
"what must have the female sparrow told her husband....."
"as he proudly brought his bride to this spot to show her the house that he had - single-handedly - and without any help - built for her?".....
I heard the female bird's voice in my head.....

"OH MY GOD.... FRED.... OH.... FRED..... OH......"
"What is it honey beaks....?"  Fred replied inquisitively....
"Don't u like it?"....
"Is there something wrong?".....
"OH FRED... OH MY GOD....."

Now breaking into tears of disappointment and shame.....
in her own inability to find a male sparrow worthy of her.....

"how do you expect me to raise our chicks in this dump?".....
"is it even structurally sound and safe?".....
"off course it is honey beaks.....   see the size of those branches?.....  I almost couldn't fly and carry them around"....
"Fred...... I can't live in this thing......"
"Why not honey beaks?"....  U r just not urself.... it is your hormones talking..... it is the stress of having to lay eggs and care for them for weeks that is stressing you out"....
"Don't even start with me FRED....."...
"I'm not in the mood for your stupid comments"....
"not after this".....
"OH GOD..... how can I live here?.......  How can I face the other birds...?......"
"Other birds?  Honeybeeeeaks?".....
"Don't honey beaks me u idiot?'......
"have u seen the nest that Edward built for Lucy down the block?".....
"U know... the sparrows we met over that spilled garbage can on Thursday.....?"

"look over there....."
"See that small tiny humming bird......?"
"have you seen the nest he made"....?
"he is not even half ur size for god's sake".....
"honeybeaaaaks..... ur blowing things all out of proportion and acting just like ur mom now.....  a nest is a nest...."...
"A nest is a nest?..... is that all u have to say for urself?......  off course,,,, u don't have to sit on these branches... getting poked from all sides.... for three weeks....   u don't have to constantly worry if this ugly pile of mess is gong to collapse any minute......"
"Even if u didn't care about my comfort..... ur not enough of a father to think of the safety of ur children......"....
"OH GOD.... what did i do to deserve this shame?......   where did I go wrong to deserve such moron for a husband?....."
"U know what FRED....?  this is it.....  we r through....  I have to lay these eggs and haven't got the time to wait for another nest....."
" i will put up with this shame..... until the chicks are old enough to fly out of this death trap you call a nest......"
"after that we r through......  U UNDERSTAND?..... U hear me FRED?"......  We r through".....


At first.....
these thoughts and images....
were funny and amusing to me.....
but as I followed the progression of this dialogue in my head....
it became dark and depressing.....
not funny anymore.....

I looked at the nest one more time....
and abandoned....
still standing....

took a last puff off my cigarette....
and jammed it into the ashtray to put it out.....
still looking at the nest....

I closed my eyes....
and walked away!!!!!